Searching by Part Number

Use this screen to find a specific part in the database. From the database view, be sure to enter the exact part number. CCC ONE searches for the part number. If all of the parts related to the part number are found in one subgroup of the database, the parts appear in the center database panel. However, if the parts are in different subgroups, the subgroups appear in the Search Results panel. Select the subgroup to view the parts in the center database panel.

Note: The part search is only valid for the vehicle that you selected in the Vehicle tab. It is invalid for motorcycle parts.

To search by part number in the MOTOR database

  1. Open the workfile.
  2. Select the Estimate tab, and then select the Lines tab.
  3. Select the MOTOR tab.
  4. From the database panel, type in the exact part number in the Search field.
  5. Select the Search button (Magnifying Glass icon). The parts that match your search criteria appear in the database panel.


Operations Toolbar

Accessing the MOTOR Database

Screen Description

MOTOR Database Panel Screen







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